FISSAC is going to share its mid-term project results at a workshop organised by Sharebox in the framework of ACHEMA 2018, a world exhibition congress on chemical engineering, environmental protection and biotechnology gathering around 3600 exhibitors and 170.000 visitors.

Effective resource management is crucial for companies to remain competitive in a context of rising raw materials and energy costs. The workshop will show industry representatives how industrial symbiosis can help improve resource efficiency without great efforts for companies. Furthermore, the project results of five EU-funded projects working on industrial symbiosis, including FISSAC, will be presented. The full programme is available here.

Date and time: 13 June 2018, 10:30 – 17:00
Venue:  Room Logos/Genius, Hall 9.1 at ACHEMA, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Do not miss this opportunity to find out more on how industrial symbiosis can boost corporate success. If you are interested in participating, FISSAC can provide free visitor day tickets for you! Please contact us at if you want to request one.

ACHEMA workshop