
FISSAC Precast Green Concrete elements were installed by ACCIONA at Acciona’s Demopark in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid, Spain).

Now the elements are exposed to real environmental conditions to test and monitor the technical performances.

Check CASE STUDY 3 to find out more!

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Post FISSAC 2019-07-09 at 9.16.33 AM (2)

ACCIONA presented the FISSAC project at the Circular Economy Workshop „Shaping the Green Leaders of Tomorrow“ on the 3rd July 2019 in Madrid, Spain.

This workshop is part of the Green Transformation Program, a specialized EU- based initiative that intends to train and employ talent from all over the world. It comprises 30 multicultural participants from diverse backgrounds and complementary skills, who have a month-long rotation period within Madrid, Nice & Paris sharing the objective to become the Green Leaders of Tomorrow. The program is built upon technical, environmental and business modules, providing comprehensive exposure and teachings on environmental processes, sustainable products and green technologies.

The workshop aimed at challenging the students through several research projects.  They had the chance to share their respective approaches, exchange best practices and provide feedback in order to establish a shared mindset for the dissemination and possible implementation of the projects.

The workshop was an opportunity to disseminate FISSAC results and innovations, as well as to exchange experiences and getting inspiring ideas.

shaping the Green Leaders of Tomorrow

On the 7th of July, within the framework of „Case Study 4“ of the FISSAC project, the first industrial pilot production of Eco-wall tiles has been carried out at the KERABEN facilities in Nules (Castellón), Spain.
Thanks to the industrial symbiosis between two different industries (in the fields of Natural Stones and Ceramic Tiles) it has been developed a new type of tiles including a relevant amount of Secondary Raw Materials as a component of the ceramic body of the tiles, which have been conceived and manufactured according to ECO-design criteria. Those tiles will be exhibited in a Demo Park managed by ACCIONA in Algete (Madrid), Spain.


ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt presented the FISSAC project during the General Assembly Meeting of the European H2024 LORCENIS project on the 22nd March 2019 in Madrid, Spain.


The meeting took place in The Institute of Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja (IETcc),  a Center of the Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), belonging to the Area of Science and Technology of Materials.

(mehr …)

The report titled „Industrial Segmentation, criteria and correlation to the FISSAC first application“ deals with the replicability of the FISSAC model. The topic is  investigated setting up a methodology for industrial segmentation, aimed at evaluating the replicability potential. A list of tailored criteria guides the assessment of different opportunities.

Have a look at the report!