In the framework of the FISSAC living labs, British Glass will co-host an event to discuss and present ideas for how a flat glass recovery network could operate in Scotland – linked to Zero Waste Scotland’s call for applications to the country’s £18 million Circular Economy Investment Fund from initiatives to increase flat glass recovery and recycling.

The free event, entitled Funding the development of a flat glass recovery network and supporting innovations for Scotland, will be co-hosted by British Glass and Zero Waste Scotland on 24 October at Construction Scotland Innovation Centre’s pioneering Innovation Factory on the Hamilton International Technology Park in Lanarkshire, near Glasgow. The event will bring together key stakeholders in Scotland, including glass and glazing manufacturers, window fabricators and fitters, construction and demolition contractors and recyclers.

Guests speakers will include the Vlakglas foundation, which operates the successful, nationwide flat glass recycling system in the Netherlands that collected 70,000 tonnes of cullet for remelt last year. There will be opportunities to speak to other stakeholders, find out more about the match funding, and build consortiums for applications to the fund.

Find out more and book here.

Although glass can be recycled back to glass indefinitely in a closed loop, most glazing, refurbishment and demolition glass waste currently ends up as aggregate in roads (if it avoids landfill). While this is a form of recycling, far more energy and carbon dioxide emissions would be saved if this glass was used to make new glass: every tonne of glass recycled back to glass saves 246 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. It also reduces the amount of energy used to make glass.


As part of its work under the FISSAC project, British Glass has been working with Zero Waste Scotland to identify practical measures that would enable more flat glass to be re-melted and made into new glass products.

Increased recycling of flat glass could generate additional cullet not just for flat glass products – but for use in container, ballotini and other glass.

The £18 million Circular Economy Investment Fund, administered by Zero Waste Scotland, offers investment for SMEs based in Scotland and supports work that will deliver circular economy growth. It is backed by funds from the Scottish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Examples of projects eligible for funding include :

  • recycling trials in individual companies or cities
  • Scotland-wide schemes to collect waste flat glass from construction processes or demolition
  • innovative technologies or practices that can significantly improve the business case for collecting and recycling flat glass by making it easier, quicker or more economically viable.

While grant applications must be led by a small or medium businesses, larger organisations can be included as part of the consortium. The deadline for initial applications is 28 November 2017. Zero Waste Scotland will offer support to develop these. Find out more from

British Glass Environmental Advisor, Valli Murthy said:

“This Zero Waste Scotland funding represents a significant commitment to Scotland’s circular economy and low carbon ambitions. Given the energy and CO2 savings of recycling glass – 246 kg of carbon dioxide emissions for every tonne of glass recycled back to glass – there are strong environmental and business drivers to recycle more flat glass. We urge our own members and other interested organisations to take advantage of this valuable opportunity.”