Resource efficiency in the domestic construction industry

Best practices in circular economy and eco-innovation

Date: 13 April 2018 (Friday) 9.30 –13.45

Venue: HUNGEXPO Pavilion ‘A’, Gallery 2 (1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10., Hungary)

Topic of the conference:

Growing prosperity leads to the extraction and use of more resources and to the production of more waste. The EU is committed to implement the principles of the waste hierarchy, which implies the prevention of waste, its reuse and recycling where it is not prevented, and its energy recovery as sub-optimal option. This calls for eco-innovative solutions and resource-efficient products, processes and services, and their uptake which will be facilitated by new sustainable lifestyles and consumption behaviour. At the first event of this series we investigate through several topical examples how resource efficiency can be fostered in the extended construction sector in Hungary.

Download: Conference Programme

The conference is organized in the frame of the largest annual event of the construction industry, the CONSTRUMA International Exhibition of the Construction Industry, together with the Hungarian participant, Herman Otto Institute of the TRIS: Transition Regions towards Industrial Symbiosis Interreg Europe project.

The language of the event is Hungarian.

With CONSTRUMA pass the participation at the conference is free of charge, however registration is required.

Please fill in the registration form.

Registration deadline: Tuesday 10 April 2018

Further information:

Professional supporters:

cembeton_logo_szlogennel_rgbHungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association

emi-logo_20160125aÉMI Non-Profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building


geonardo_logo_centered2Geonardo Environmental Technologies Ltd. (FISSAC partner)

HOI_HUN_kétsorosHerman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. (TRIS partner)


fissac_cmyk_hor_finalFostering Industrial Symbiosis for a Sustainable Resource Intensive Industry across the extended Construction Value Chain (H2024 project)

TRISTransition Regions towards Industrial Symbiosis (Interreg Europe project)