The third FISSAC newsletter has just been published. It gives an overview of project progress, with a highlight on the living labs organised in Sweden by RISE and HIFAB and on the webinar held in February. Each newsletter introduces you to some of the project partners – this time the spotlight is on OVAM, Ekodenge and Geonardo. Read it now and discover our special report on Green Concrete and Eco-Cement! (tovább…)
The aim of the FISSAC project is to develop a software model that supports Industrial Symbiosis (IS) management within the construction and demolition value chain. It is therefore of interest to review existing tools or databases that work in a similar manner in order to act as a reference point for learning, comparing and sharing experiences. One example of this is the ITeC’s construction elements database used by construction stakeholders in Catalonia. (tovább…)
There are various European projects on industrial symbiosis, circular economy, and the construction value chain. Each one has a specific focus, though we all share part of a common vision. Please consult our Library page to discover these projects. RESLAG is one of them. Halfway through the project, here is an account of the latest work carried out. (tovább…)
The fourth general assembly of the FISSAC project took place in Wortley, UK, on 29 and 30 March 2017. This meeting gave all 26 partners the opportunity to discuss project progress, covering recently finished, ongoing, and future work. (tovább…)
Industrial symbiosis is an essential concept for the circular economy. Local or wider co-operation in industrial symbiosis can reduce the need for virgin raw material and waste disposal, thereby closing the material loop – a fundamental feature of the circular economy and a driver for green growth and eco-innovative solutions. Some initiatives currently exist at national, regional, and local level. However, in order to make industrial symbiosis a widespread commercial reality, more needs to be done to manage the flow of waste material from different sectors and industries. (tovább…)