FISSAC is an ambitious project. Over the last semester the consortium has carried out an assessment of the replicability of the FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis model at different levels, aiming eventually at replicating it in EU countries not involved in the project, and within different areas for different products.
For FISSAC, Industrial Symbiosis is intended as a strategy to foster the transition to circular economy, enabling tools and methodologies typical of the Circularity field but somehow adapted to fit within the construction industrial symbiosis value chain.
Check the “Report on Industrial Segmentation, Criteria and correlation to the FISSAC first application” to learn more about FISSAC replicability!
The work carried out at each level is explained in our full update, available here.
In this issue:
Project update
Meet the partners
Special report on the FISSAC Model
News highlights
Project Update
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FISSAC aims to develop a new industrial symbiosis model and demonstrate its applicability as well as the effectiveness of the related processes, services, and products at different levels. As the FISSAC Project enters its final stages, its expected goals are soon going to be achieved throughout the high number of activities FISSAC partners are carrying out:
Construction products
The consortium has developed a number of products at industrial scale, which will be actually tested through real scale demonstrations. Recently, Industrial partners have manufactured at industrial scale innovative eco-cement and concrete, ceramic tiles, and rubber wood polymer composites, all of them using different types of second raw materials and techniques. Through five different case studies, the new solutions developed are now being showcased to demonstrate their employment along the whole Industrial Symbiosis value chain.
Software platform
The IT Platform of FISSAC has been presented last February at the World Resource Forum 2019. Still under development, it will be launched by the end of the project. It will feature useful tools that, on the one hand, will facilitate the development of new Industrial Symbiosis networks, and, on the other hand, will support decision-making processes based on thorough analyses.
Living labs
Several Living Labs have taken place in parallel in different countries during the last six months. They focused also on non-technical barriers and social acceptance as key factors needed to implement symbiosis processes.
Replicability and New Report
FISSAC is an ambitious project. Over the last semester the consortium has carried out an assessment of the replicability of the FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis model at different levels, aiming eventually at replicating it in EU countries not involved in the project, and within different areas for different products.
For FISSAC, Industrial Symbiosis is intended as a strategy to foster the transition to circular economy, enabling tools and methodologies typical of the Circularity field but somehow adapted to fit within the construction industrial symbiosis value chain.
Check the “Report on Industrial Segmentation, Criteria and correlation to the FISSAC first application” to learn more about FISSAC replicability!
The work carried out at each level is explained in our full update, available here.
The Feralpi Group is a leading steel manufacturer in Europe and produceces over two million tonnes of steel and rolled products annually with more than 1500 permanent employees in Italy, Europe and North Africa. The Group mainly deals with the production of steels for the construction industry and it is also engaged in the special steels production, cold working, structural steelwork, the environment and fish farming, in addition to financial services and the management of shareholdings.
Feralpi is focused on the most sustainable way of steel production through reducing energy consumption and emissions with the adoption of the besy technologies available and patenting new solutions resulting from extensive reserch and innovation. One of these patent is that related to the trasformation of Electric Arc Furnace Slag in by-product known commercially as “Green Stone”. Green Stone is adopted in Fissac project as a fundamental inert material for the Green Concrete mix useful for the construction of pavements and precast concrete structures.

RISE is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. Through our international collaboration programmes with industry, academia and the public sector, we ensure the competitiveness of the Swedish business community on an international level and contribute to a sustainable society. Our 2,700 employees engage in and support all types of innovation processes. RISE is an independent, State-owned research institute, which offers unique expertise and over 100 testbeds and demonstration environments for future-proof technologies, products and services.
RISE’s participation in FISSAC is multifaceted. RISE is responsible for the LCA and LCC analyses of green innovative products and is leading the FISSAC Living Labs activities that engage actors from the construction industry value chain to identify and solve appropriate challenges related to industrial symbiosis in their regions.

KERABEN is a Spanish company devoted to the manufacturing of ceramic tiles. KERABEN commenced its business activity in 1974 and since then, customer service and ongoing technological innovation have formed the basis of the company’s strategy. KERABEN enjoys a leading position in the sector of premium ceramic solutions delivering top quality products with a notable design component at the middle-to-high-end segment. The finest raw materials, cutting-edge ceramic tile technology and the commitment to excellence shown by KERABEN’s professionals are the finest guarantees for the consistently outstanding quality of their products. Because of a firm commitment with the sustainability, KERABEN reuses 100% of the water from the production processes, apply cogeneration to make the most of the energy, reintegrates the waste products from each process into the ceramic tiles, works with 100% recycled packaging and have all the procedures certified.
The main role played by Keraben as industrial manufacturer within FISSAC project is linked to one of the case of study. Keraben has focused in providing requirements and application constraints, and proving the new concepts and tools regarding industrial symbiosis when designing / developing / demonstrating the feasibility of producing new ECO ceramic tiles. Different SRM has been incorporated into the ceramic tiles formulation, and pilot productions under real conditions has been carried out in the premises of KERABEN in Spain.

Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TCMA), as a nonprofit organization (NGO) and the common voice of the Turkish cement industry, represents a total of 68 enterprises in Turkey, as 51 of them being integrated facilities and 17 grinding plants. TCMA R&D Institute focuses on testing and researching of cement, concrete and raw materials. TCMA R&D Institute analysis scope covers chemical, physical and mechanical properties of cement and related raw materials, different types of waste materials, concrete, aggregate, chemical & mineral admixtures, fuels & alternative fuels and flue gas. The laboratories have been accredited by EN/ISO IEC 17025 standard and EN/ISO IEC 17043 standard by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK). TCMA plays an active role on national and international projects under R&D Innovation Projects and Business Development Department.
TCMA’s contribution to FISSAC project is production of two types of eco-cement with secondary raw materials from different industrial sectors by industrial symbiosis methodology and real scale demonstration to evaluate technical performances of produced eco-cements.
The FISSAC project is an ambitious project aimed at improving the consciousness about circular economy and industrial symbiosis among different industrial sectors. The focus is on the construction value chain scenario, which includes steel, aluminum, natural stone, ceramics, chemical and demolition and construction sectors. Different industrial partners belonging to these sectors are putting their efforts in establishing industrial symbiosis success stories.
The specific objectives of the project are manifold: it aims at demonstrating closed loop recycling processes and manufacturing processes, developing the eco-design of eco-innovative construction products and developing instruments to facilitate the instauration of IS establishment, such as the software platform and the living lab concept.
Closed loop recycling processes are necessary to transform waste into valuable acceptable secondary raw materials. Similarly, eco-design is a key element to manufacture innovative products (new Eco-Cement and Green Concrete, innovative ceramic tiles and Rubber Wood Plastic Composites) that are competitive with respect to the state of the art. Thanks to the knowledge developed within the project, all the necessary steps to establish IS will be identified and solutions to overcome technical barriers will be proposed, in particular through activities related to the case studies.

At the same time, the necessity to investigate also less technological aspects has been highlighted during the project as it could really promote the success of the IS. The development of the FISSAC ITC Platform is considered as a key element, since different stakeholders can use this instrument as a support in decision making in material flow analyses and industrial clustering. Indeed, through the Platform the facilities can retrieve information about Industrial Symbiosis opportunities and obtain information for their instauration; perform feasibility assessment and assess the networks performances from the environmental, economic and social point of view; get in contact with other facilities through the marketplace and search for a list of solution providers, able to support facilities in this process.
In addition to that, the project has been evaluating and successfully exploiting the concept of Living Lab. A Living Lab is, as a user-centered, open-innovation ecosystem, often operating in a territorial context. Since the necessity to create trust among stakeholders have been identified as a very important point in the formation of networks, guidelines and examples are provided to organize Living Labs and use this instrument to facilitate the IS establishment.
All these elements are summarized within the FISSAC methodology and model. The methodology is a part of the FISSAC model and describes the necessary steps to establish industrial symbiosis. Within the FISSAC project these steps are realized and applied to the construction value chain and validated through different case studies. The FISSAC Platform, supporting various steps of the IS methodology including opportunity identification, opportunity assessment and network design, acts as an enabler of the IS methodology and helps the FISSAC IS Model to be replicable beyond the construction value chain.
The real experience gained (reported within the library/database) as well as the main outcomes of the projects (e.g. the platform or the Living Lab concept) will be part, together with the methodology, of the final model which will be published at the end of the project. It will report the main achievements obtained and propose it as a pathway for the replication of Industrial Symbiosis in other contexts.
FISSAC 8th General Assembly saw the partners meeting in Bilbao, hosted by TECNALIA
On 4 and 5 June 2019, the 8th FISSAC General Assembly project meeting took place in Bilbao, at the TECNALIA Research & Innovation premises, placed in the nice Industrial Park nearby the city (Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia).
The first day started with a morning session to overview the main activities carried out by the partners over the last 6 months, focusing on the progresses delivered and the connections among the partners of the Consortium. The developments of the real scale demonstrations activities, the IT platform challenges and the outcomes of the Living Labs were in the focus. In the afternoon FENIX organised a workshop to analyse the potential exploitation of the project results. This was a nice opportunity to actively involve all the partners around a strategic topic.
The second day was dedicated to visit the laboratories of Tecnalia, the KUBIK building (the experimental building where TECNALIA has been implementing several innovative actions about the energy and material efficiency in the building sector) and the result of the pilot activity carried out by TECNALIA in Zestoa (the slab realized with green concrete).
We take this chance to thank TECNALIA for the wonderful and warm welcome in Bilbao.
First Living Lab in Madrid with Acciona
In the framework of FISSAC Living Labs, ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt organised a Living Lab experience in Madrid that aims to disseminate Circular Economy concept and to address themes related to the FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis model, focused on Circular Economy research and innovation at University and on the deployment of the basic Circular Economy principles at schools and kindergartens.Read more
Third FISSAC Living Lab in Barcelona
The objective of this third multidisciplinary workshop was to learn about some of the current digital tools which allow to concentrate data and visualize materials flows available in a territory and that can therefore serve as powerful tools to promote the creation of synergistic networks within the construction sector.The third FISSAC Living Lab was organised as a free side event at the construction fair BBConstrumat 2019 and gathered, like in previous editions, experts who represented different professional activities within the construction value chain (designers, architects, manufacturers, associations, universities, construction companies, consultancy companies, etc.).
After the presentation of several tools (MatMap, Escrapalia, RecursResidu, and the Fissac Platform) the workshop concluded with an open debate: What would the different potential users expect from an ideal platform?, which features should it include?, what kind of data should it show?, who should manage such a platform?
Curious about the third FISSAC Living Lab? Don’t hesitate to contact Adriana Sanz Mirabal ([email protected]) from the Símbiosy team!
Second Living Lab in Budapest
On 20 June 2019 the second FISSAC Living Lab event took place in Budapest. Around thirty industry professionals attended the event, organised by Geonardo Kft. and the Association of Environmental Enterprises, with the professional support of the Hungarian Green Building Council and Hungarian Cement, Concrete and Lime Industry Association.Read More
New report: the replicability of the FISSAC Model is on the focus
The report titled “Industrial Segmentation, criteria and correlation to the FISSAC first application” deals with the replicability of the FISSAC model. It investigates this topic by setting up a methodology for industrial segmentation, aimed at evaluating the replicability potential. A list of tailored criteria guides the assessment of different opportunities.
Have a look at the report!
FISSAC Project featured on Actu’Assises
The Assises Nationales des Déchets (National Forum on Waste Management) is a French and international-oriented forum dedicated to waste management which organizes an impressive biannual conference that gathers European and world innovation leaders in waste management. FISSAC Project has gained their attention on the latest number of Actu‘ Assises, their web journal.Read the article here (in French only)
BAMB releases new publication
Tools to enable the shift to a circular building sector have been developed by the BAMB project – Buildings As Material Banks. FISSAC is therefore pleased to share a new report released by BAMB’s consortium titled „Materials Passports – Best Practice Innovative Solutions for a Transition to a Circular Economy in the Built Environment“, produced in cooperation with Techincal University of Munich.The report is available here.
VEEP releases its brand new e-publication
The VEEP project, funded through Horizon 2024 programme, aims at developing and demonstrating a series of technological solutions for the massive retrofitting of our built environment, aiming at cost – effectively reducing building energy consumption.VEEP consortium has recently released its latest e-publication titled „Towards Circular Economy in the Construction Sector“.Check it out here.