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The FISSAC Consortium is happy to announce the last webinar of the project.

Almost one month passed from the official launch of the FISSAC IS platform during the Final Conference and the users are increasing. The webinar aims to explore all the features of the platform.

The platform is able to support decision making in material flow analyses and industrial clustering. The fundamental aim of the FISSAC IS platform is to demonstrate and maximize environmental, social and financial benefits of Industrial Symbiosis networks to support circular economy structure. Furthermore, the platform will facilitate the formation and operation of IS networks.

The webinar will take place on 26 February 2024 at 10:00 am (CET time).

Do not miss the opportunity to be guided through the platform by the real developers.

Take a look at the platform and register to the webinar.



During the last four years, the FISSAC project reached several innovative results such as the demonstrations, the FISSAC model, the platform, etc. Nevertheless, the partners are planning and implementing many activities for the following months.

With the purpose of discussing the ongoing activities, Acciona, as project coordinator, organized the 9th General Assembly of the project. The partners met in Madrid on 28-29 November 2019 and they had the opportunity to visit the Acciona’s Demopark where the new FISSAC materials have been installed. On the demo site, they visited the precast concrete elements, the eco-wall and eco-porcelain tiles, and the wood-plastic composites.

During the two days of assembly, partners could benefit from the presence and the practical suggestions of the project adviser from EASME, Stefania Rocca. The assembly has been a great opportunity to analyse the goals reached during the four years of the project and to discuss the replicability and the follow-up of the FISSAC model.

The partners will meet again in two months at the FISSAC Final Conference, which will take place on 29 January 2024 in Brussels.

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After 4 years of work, the H2024 FISSAC project reached its end, so it is time to celebrate and share the successful results achieved. The whole FISSAC Consortium announces that the Final Conference will take place on the 29th of January 2024 in Brussels.

During the event, it will be possible to dive into the industrial symbiosis processes of the construction value chain through interactive presentations and thematic workshops. The FISSAC model, as well as the innovative materials and products developed, will be in the focus.

If you want to be sure to save your seat and to know more about the FISSAC story, follow the registration link.

Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this great event branded FISSAC!


The Final Conference will take place on 29 January 2024 from 10.00 to 16.00


Live Room | L42 Business Center and Workspaces

Rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels (BE)


It’s already possible to save the seat following the link of the registration form.



Digital tools for synergies identification


The objective of this third multidisciplinary workshop was to learn about some of the current digital tools which allow to concentrate data and visualize materials flows available in a territory and that can therefore serve as powerful tools to promote the creation of synergistic networks within the construction sector.

The third FISSAC Living Lab was organised as a free side event at the construction fair BBConstrumat 2019 and gathered, like in previous editions, experts who represented different professional activities within the construction value chain (designers, architects, manufacturers, associations, universities, construction companies, consultancy companies, etc.).

After the presentation of several tools (MatMap, Escrapalia, RecursResidu, and the Fissac Platform) the workshop concluded with an open debate: What would the different potential users expect from an ideal platform?, which features should it include?, what kind of data should it show?, who should manage such a platform?

Curious about the conclusions of the third FISSAC Living Lab? Don’t hesitate to contact the Símbiosy team (Adriana Sanz Mirabal, [email protected])!


ACCIONA participated in the WCEF 2019 that took place in Helsinki, Finland in the beginning of this month. The World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) is the global initiative of Finland and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra that lasted three days (3-5 June 2019).

Edith Guedella and Anurag Bansal from ACCIONA presented FISSAC and Paperchain, the two different EC (European Commission) funded  H2024 Research and Development projects. Both these projects are been coordinated by ACCIONA, and are aligned with EC and ACCIONA’s strategy towards implementing Circular Economy Principles in different industries, including Construction and Infrastructure.

During this event, the FISSAC project was showcased, at a side session organised by EASME at the EC’s stand, through interactive workshop with project pitches, live pools, discussion tables. The objective of this presentation was to disseminate the project, its key outcomes and lesson learned, and to  exchange the views of different participants.

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