
The partners of the FISSAC Consortium got together in Bilbao, wonderfully hosted by Tecnalia, to discuss about the results achieved over the last 6 months, sharing the ongoing challenges and co-designing the activities for the remaining 8 months before the end of the project.


Next 4 and 5 June 2019, FISSAC Project partners will gather in Bilbao, Spain, for the 8th FISSAC General Assembly.

Hosted by Tecnalia, the General Assembly will include a first session dedicated to the monitoring of the project’s progress, considering all the Working Packages. Later on, a number of workshops will be carried out.

To further enrich the assembly, project partners will also have the chance to visit the laboratories of Kubik and Tecnalia, where innovation starts. Moreover, they will head to Zestoa, to look at one of the pilots implemented.

Stay tuned on this page: the full agenda is coming out soon!

ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt presented the FISSAC project during the General Assembly Meeting of the European H2024 LORCENIS project on the 22nd March 2019 in Madrid, Spain.


The meeting took place in The Institute of Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja (IETcc),  a Center of the Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), belonging to the Area of Science and Technology of Materials.


RINA presented the FISSAC project activities during the workshop called “Today‘s waste, tomorrow material” within the World Sustainable Energy Days (session “Innovation Workshops Energy and Buildings”) on 28th February 2019 in Wels, Austria.

The workshop was also an opportunity to exchange experiences with other H2024 projects dealing with the ciruclar economy: RE4, Green INSTRUCT, VEEP, InnoWEE

Here some pictures.

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We take this opportunity to thank the FISSAC partner FENIX for the organization.


On the 25th and 26th of February 2019, FISSAC team joined the World Resources Forum in Antwerp. At the “Industrial Symbiosis in Euorpe” booth, FISSAC, together with other SPIRE Projects (SHAREBOX, EPOS, SYMBIOPTIMA, URBANREC), showcased the ongoing activities and exposed some samples of the products being produced.


The FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis Platform was presented by the partner RINA during a conference.


It was a great opportunity to meet people, exchange ideas and draw inspiration for the next challenges.

Special greetings to IRIS and OVAM for the organizaion.