Living Labs

The third Italian Living Lab related to Fissac project took place on 4th October 2019 in Rozzano (Milan) hosted and organized by Rina Consulting. Similarly to the first Living Lab organized with the AIB (Industrial Association of Brescia) and the second Living Lab organized in collaboration with ATECAP, the Italian Technical Economic Association for Ready-Mixed Concrete, the third Living Lab represented a debate between different stakeholders involved in the Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.

The main objective of this third Living Lab was to evaluate the replicability potential of circular economy models and platforms in the Italian scenario.


On 9th October 2019 ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt organized this second Living Lab in Madrid. The event was held in a room, recently enabled by the Craft Caminos organization, within the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineers in Madrid.

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The main objective of this Living Lab was to explore with the academic community the needs and challenges to face the future and train professionals specialized in circular economy and industrial symbiosis in construction.

One of the challenges is to ensure that professionals who join the sector have the necessary skills to maintain and promote this type of symbiosis, which encourages the exchange of information and development of new value propositions. The education system faces the need to respond to these new professional needs, to ensure that the professionals of tomorrow are trained at the university to meet the challenges that organizations are already facing.

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First, FISSAC project was presented by ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt. The conceptual framework, Circular Economy, Industrial Symbiosis and Living Lab concepts were explained. Some examples of the innovative construction products were shown as well as the last case studies and real scale demonstrators carried out in the Project. Then, Ismael Pantaleón (Ideas Infinitas) briefly described the principles of Systems Thinking, as a fundamental tool to have a holistic approach to the challenge to address. This process was complemented with group dynamics, which allowed the concept to be internalized and it created a climate of participation and co-creation. A concept map was prepared to serve as a tool for reflection and to initiate the dialogue and the exploration of alternatives among the Living Lab participants which included students and teachers of the Faculty of Civil Engineers, ex-students and current workers in sector companies. The purpose of the causal diagram was to make assumptions and models visible in the construction sector, identify which are the interdependence between the different agents involved in it and the main forces that facilitate or prevent change.

The participants, in a playful way, worked in groups to analyze the factors that more influence have to boost the Circular Economy in the Construction sector. At the end of the session, each group presented a prototype of ideas or actions to carry out and that would help to meet the educational needs of the University to train specialists in circular economy in the construction of tomorrow.

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The Living Lab organizers, ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt, especially thank Craft Caminos (Daniel, Martín and José Luis) and the Directorate of the School of Civil Engineers for their dedication and participation and for facilitating the organization of the event in their facilities.



Digital tools for synergies identification


The objective of this third multidisciplinary workshop was to learn about some of the current digital tools which allow to concentrate data and visualize materials flows available in a territory and that can therefore serve as powerful tools to promote the creation of synergistic networks within the construction sector.

The third FISSAC Living Lab was organised as a free side event at the construction fair BBConstrumat 2019 and gathered, like in previous editions, experts who represented different professional activities within the construction value chain (designers, architects, manufacturers, associations, universities, construction companies, consultancy companies, etc.).

After the presentation of several tools (MatMap, Escrapalia, RecursResidu, and the Fissac Platform) the workshop concluded with an open debate: What would the different potential users expect from an ideal platform?, which features should it include?, what kind of data should it show?, who should manage such a platform?

Curious about the conclusions of the third FISSAC Living Lab? Don’t hesitate to contact the Símbiosy team (Adriana Sanz Mirabal, [email protected])!

On the 20th of June, 2019 the second Living Lab event took place in Budapest as part of the FISSAC project.

Around thirty industry professionals attended the event, organized by Geonardo Kft. and the Association of Environmental Enterprises, with the professional support of the Hungarian Green Building Council and Hungarian Cement, Concrete and Lime Industry Association.

During the half-day forum the audience heard presentations on industrial symbiosis projects as well as on the current situation and challenges of the recycling of the construction and demolition waste in Hungary. During the second half of the programme the participants could share their experiences on these issues, with particular emphasis on the factors that currently hinder or make it more difficult to move towards a circular construction industry. Finally, the forum put forward suggestions for the main topics and on the invitees of the next Living Lab scheduled for this autumn.

In the framework of FISSAC Living Labs, ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt organized a Living Lab experience in Madrid that aims to disseminate Circular Economy concept and to address themes related to the FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis model, focused on Circular Economy research and innovation at University and on the deployment of the basic Circular Economy principles at schools and kidergartens.

This first experience, that is part of a series of Living Lab dedicated to Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis educational topic, took place in Madrid, 10 May. Main objectives of the information session on Circular Economy are addressing minimization, re-utilization and recycling focused on the recovery and transformation of waste into new materials and aiming to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG4 – Quality Education, SDG11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG12 – Responsible consumption and productions, SDG13 – Climate Action) to build sustainable and resilient societies.

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