Project Update
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FISSAC aims to develop a new industrial symbiosis model and demonstrate its applicability as well as the effectiveness of the related processes, services, and products at different levels. Here is a brief summary of work achieved the past six months:
Construction products
Industrial manufacturers (cement, concrete, ceramic, and wood-plastic composite producers) spent the past 6 months working on the transition from laboratory scale to pre-industrial scale demonstration of the recycling processes and eco-innovative products.
FISSAC model
An important objective of the project is the introduction of a model for Industrial Symbiosis with the development of a specific tool, the FISSAC Software Platform. Since August 2018, a demo version is under test.
Product certification
After receiving a positive assessment of the Eligibility of the technologies from the ETV, partners have finalised the Initial Performance Claims. The technological level, environmental aspects and existing test data of the technologies were assessed to understand whether further tests are required.
CWA on Industrial Symbiosis
On 12 December 2018 partners submitted for publication the final text of the CEN Workshop Agreement on Industrial Symbiosis. This agreementis intended to support the implementation of industrial symbiosis, providing different information such as a common terminology, examples of good practices, a list of drivers, etc.
Living labs
The Living Labs are ongoing in different countries with the objective to replicate the FISSAC model by promoting stakeholder acceptance.
The work carried out at each level is explained in our full update, available here.

ACCIONA Construcción is at the forefront in R&D and one of the leading construction companies in the world, using the latest techniques to carry out projects. With a presence in more than 40 countries, the Group develops its business activities based on the desire to contribute to economic and social development in the communities in which it operates. It covers the whole range of construction, from engineering to the performance of works and their later maintenance, and also the management of public works concessions, particularly in the field of transport and social infrastructures.
The organization has three specialized business units: 1) Bridges, Roads and Special Structures; 2) Railroads and Tunnels; and 3) Ports and Hydro, together with the areas of Engineering, Concessions and other businesses (Metal structures, Maintenance, Machinery…).
In an increasingly globalized and complex world, ACCIONA Construcción is firmly committed to international consolidation and expansion as a key element in its growth and development strategy. Working in this direction, the company has developed and participated in some of the biggest works projects in the world over the last 50 years. The aim of Acciona is to lead the transition towards a low-carbon economy, bringing quality criteria and innovation processes to all projects in order to optimize the efficient use of resources and respect the environment.
ACCIONA leads the coordination and management of FISSAC project. It is a very active partner, participating in the development of FISSAC IS methodology and leading the Work Packages related with the recycling processes to transform waste into secondary raw materials and the industrial production and real scale demonstration through five different case studies considering the whole supply chain of the industrial symbiosis: the manufacturing processes, the technical performance of the new products and their implementation at real scale in construction applications.

SÍMBIOSY is an environmental consulting company specialised in circular economy and its implementation tool for the industry: the industrial symbiosis.
SÍMBIOSY has a role of facilitator within industrial symbiosis projects, assisting municipalities with the tools, methodology and knowledge to identify and implement synergies among companies and organisations on a territory.
In a natural ecosystem there is no such thing as waste: the energy flows and comes from the sun, and the more biodiverse the ecosystem is, the richer it is, and the faster it develops. Let’s consider the industries as a part of an ecosystem, in this case, an industrial ecosystem where we encourage and facilitate companies to collaborate in order to maximize the use of their resources and make new business opportunities happen.

Glass Technology Services Ltd (GTS) is a leading provider of analysis, mechanical and performance testing, quality assessment, failure analysis and a range of consultancy services – specialising in glass and glass products. We are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and 9001 quality standards and have an established reputation for our specialist knowledge in glass from raw materials to the finished product, including cutting edge research, development and innovation in glass properties.
Glass Technology Services Ltd is involved in FISSAC by supporting the formulation and specification of glass demolition waste as an innovative secondary raw material for use in products such as the newly formulated eco-cement. Knowledge from across the glass sector is applied into the construction chain to ensure that any possible solutions are technically sound and can be rigorously specified to ensure glass, as a secondary raw material has the quality and value required to realise its potential.

British Glass, as the representative body for the UK industry, communicates the glass sector’s values and interests to secure a thriving and sustainable future. We do this by providing honest, intelligent and evidence-based advice, fostering collaboration and innovation and helping our members to work constructively with stakeholders from government and other industries. Our membership includes companies from across the full glass supply chain.
British Glass’s contribution to FISSAC is around the area of promoting circular economy values and knowledge into the British market and to apply the use of the Living Lab concept to drive innovation and Industrial Symbiosis across the extended value chain in the construction sector in the UK. Their knowledge in the policy sector is critical as the drive for circular economy legislation requires careful planning and contribution from many industrial partners that are British Glass Members.
In recent years, the amount of waste materials increased by population growth. Storage of waste materials in landfilling areas becomes harmful for human health and causes environmental pollution over time. However, the capacity of landfilling areas is not sufficient when it is compared to the amount of produced waste. The major elements contained in raw materials that used in cement industry could be basically sorted as: CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. The presence of these oxides in the wastes allows them to be easily used as raw materials, substitution or mineral additives in cement production process.
It is important that not only the natural resources but also environment is protected by using of these waste materials in several industries.
The cements, produced by using such materials in the cement industry, are called eco-cement. Clinkers, which have a different composition than Ordinary Portland Cement clinker, can also be produced as eco cement one of those which is Calcium Sulpho aluminate (CSA) cement. The main reason why they are named as eco-cement is that they can be produced at low temperatures (around 1200-1300 °C) and/or waste can be used.
CSA cement has its own advantages as lower CO2 emissions compared with Ordinary Portland cement, lower embodied energy, reduction in consumption of natural resources by substituting a variety of industrial by-products and high resistance to sulfate attack. This cement has been considered to be included into the cement portfolio of different commercial products, with high interest from both the environmental and functional point of view.
Other eco-cement is blended cement which has advantage in terms of lowering the clinker content and natural raw material amount in the blended cement thus reducing the environmental impacts.
In FISSAC Project, TCMA works on producing of two types of eco-cements; CSA cement and blended cement. CSA cement was produced by using aluminum saline slags, glass waste, ceramic waste and ladle furnace slag with limestone and synthetic gypsum within the raw meal at pilot scale. It is very important to produce CSA cement which is a limited production in Turkey and Europe especially by using waste and to reach the desired technical specifications. The FISSAC project, which will be an example of the widespread use of CSA cement which is not widely produced but is especially valuable in terms of environmental and technical aspects, is very important in this respect.
Blended cement was produced by using ladle furnace slag, glass and ceramic waste materials as mineral additives to the ordinary Portland cement at pilot and industrial scale as around 300 tons.
One of the most important outputs of FISSAC Project is that produced blended cement will be used for 50 meters concrete pavement by using with electric arc furnace slag (as aggregate) and also ceramic and glass waste materials (as mineral admixture).
FISSAC project, with industrial symbiosis approach by using waste materials belonging to different industries, offers us the opportunity to produce eco-cement and construction of concrete pavement.
FISSAC featured at the World Circular Economy Forum
On 22-24 October 2018 the World Circular Economy Forum took place in Yokohama, Japan.
Rina Consulting team, in charge of the definition and validation of the final FISSAC model, has participated in the event to present the FISSAC project. The project has been presented to different stakeholders during the session co-organised by EASME, “Showcasing circular business solutions”.
In addition, the Rina team has participated in the side event organised by EASME on “EU going global: innovative solutions for circular services”, dedicated to the new H2024 projects funded under the 2017 call – a great opportunity to meet professionals interested in circular economy and industrial symbiosis.
Sharing FISSAC model with the 16th Conference on Waste Prevention
On 21 November 2018, the Catalan Waste Agency (one of ACR+ members) organised its 16th Conference on Waste Prevention. The event focused on industrial symbiosis projects. It presented the implementation of different industrial symbiosis programmes all around Europe and stimulated a debate among the participants to exchange ideas and learn from each project´s best practices.
The FISSAC project was one of the projects selected for this event and was presented by Verónica Kuchinow, CEO of Símbiosy.
Find all the presentations of the day here.
BAMB and One Planet join forces about circularity in the built environment
On 20 September 2018 the EU H2024 project BAMB (Buildings as Material Banks) and the One Planet Network joined forces for a one-day event in Brussels about circularity in the built environment. Key areas that will facilitate this systemic shift were in the focus: digitalization, circular building assessment and public procurement.
During the day ongoing exemplary initiatives were presented and participants had the opportunity to debate how currently available tools are supporting a systemic shift towards circularity in the built environment. The BAMB project was presented (core results and experiences from pilot projects). One Planet Network introduced the approach of three global programmes on buildings, procurement and tourism that are committed to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production in both developed and developing countries. This event gave the opportunity to share knowledge and showcasing tools that are already available for circular construction.
The project is now reaching its end with a final event scheduled from 5 to 7 February 2019 in Brussels. It will include three activities: an Industry day, a BAMB Sit and Research Days which an international conference, part of the worldwide prestigious SBE19 Conference Series, is organised for researchers and industry experts to exchange their ideas and research and showcase advanced innovative technologies and methodologies for the built environment.
HISER Final Conference video material and presentations now available online
After nearly four years of collaboration the HISER project (Holistic Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Recycling and Recovery) is currently finalising its activities.
The main objective of HISER is to develop and demonstrate novel cost-effective holistic solutions (technological and non-technological) for a higher recovery of raw materials from ever more complex construction and demolition waste by considering circular economy approaches throughout the building value chain (from End-of-Life Buildings to new Buildings).
The HISER culmination was the project’s final conference organised on 16 November 2018 in Brussels as a part of the EU Raw Materials Week. The final event focused on the outcomes from the different project activities. It presented the project findings in an attractive and interactive way to contribute to the dissemination of the knowledge and experience gathered throughout the project.
Videos from the event as well as all the presentations are available online.
Come and meet FISSAC at the World Resources Forum 2019
FISSAC will be present at the World Resources Forum (WRF19) which will take place from 24 to 26 February 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium. Partners are already looking forward to promoting the project at such an important event and giving more details to the WRF19 visitors on the ongoing project activities. FISSAC will be sharing a stand together with other European projects focusing on Industrial Symbiosis and will join different workshops and trainings. More details will soon be shared on the FISSAC website.