Samenvattingen van FISSAC rapporten 
- D1.2 Best practices and lessons learnt in industrial symbiosis – Summary (PDF)
- D1.3 Inventory of raw materials, waste, and energy flows in industrial sectors – Summary (PDF)
- D1.7 Social strategies for FISSAC: Strategies for social engagement and acceptance – Summary (PDF)
- D2.1 Definition of technical requirements of secondary raw materials – Summary (PDF)
- D2.2 Characteristics of waste streams and requirements for recycling processes – Summary (PDF)
- D2.4 Non-technological barriers analysis and mitigation mechanisms – Summary (PDF)
- D3.1 Life-cycle assessment of new processes, materials, and products – Summary (PDF)
- D3.2 Life-cycle costing of new processes, materials, and products – Summary (PDF)
- D3.3-5 Eco-design of cost-effective products – Summary (PDF)
- D8.2 IPR Policy implementation – Summary (PDF)
- D8.3 Exploitation plan – Summary (PDF)
- D10.3 Data management plan – Summary (PDF)
FISSAC publieke rapporten 
- D1.1 Report on stakeholders’ network setting up (PDF)
- D1.4 Definition of target social groups (PDF)
- D1.7 Strategies for social engagement and acceptance (PDF)
- D1.8 Initial outline of FISSAC IS Model & Methodology (PDF)
- D2.6 Report on the contribution to the standardization system regarding FISSAC technologies (PDF)
- D3.9 Guideline for the application of ETV in the sector (PDF)
- T7.2 Report on Use of Adapted TIS Analysis in the FISSAC Project (PDF)
- D9.1 Dissemination plan (PDF)
- D10.1 Governance structure, communication flow & methods (PDF)
- D10.2 Quality Assurance Plan (PDF)
- D10.3 First version of the Data Management Plan (PDF)
FISSAC voorstelling en communicatie materiaal 
- Project Logo: in colour, black & white, and negative for both the horizontal and vertical versions of the logo (ZIP)
- Project Leaflet (PDF)
- Project Roll-up Banner 1m x 2m (PDF) of 85cm x 2m (PDF)