Project Update
Welcome back to the bi-annual FISSAC newsletter!
Much has happened in the past six months and the project is now halfway through. FISSAC aims to develop a new industrial symbiosis model and demonstrate its applicability as well as the effectiveness of the related processes, services, and products at different levels.
On the manufacturing processes side, innovative technological and non-technological processes to transform waste into valuable secondary raw materials were developed and validated. Additionally, we published a report on standardisation. It analyses relevant technical committees, published standards, and current work, in addition to presenting the FISSAC contribution to standartisation. On the design front, we worked hard on our eco-design strategies for the FISSAC products, and developed a guideline for the application of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) in industrial activities related to the construction sector.
Significant progress was made on the design of the FISSAC software platform, and a first version was presented to FISSAC partners during the general assembly in October 2017.
The Living Labs for replicating the FISSAC model are now in full swing in Sweden. They were launched in Belgium, the Czech republic, and the UK this semester and will soon begin in Barcelona. Keep your eyes peeled on our website to stay up-to-date on all the latest news.
The work carried out at each level is explained in our full update, available here. The reports published this semester are the following:

The Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV-CSIC) is devoted to fundamental and applied research in ceramics and glass. The participation in FISSAC is carried out through the Ceramics for Smart Systems group, CSS. The main objective the CSS group is the design and development of functional ceramics, as well their integration into advanced systems. The group has an extensive experience in microstructure control and its relationship with the ceramic material properties. Working lines pursue a thorough development of new materials, functionalities and implantation of advanced technologies. As a consequence of the scientific excellence, the Technology Transfer Projects and the projects with private companies carried out by the CSS Group have given to important industrial developments in the last five years on the basis of patent licencing.
ICV-CSIC participates in the FISSAC project as a research centre devoted to the re-formulation of ceramic tiles composition and determination of measurable reduction of raw materials consumption by introducing waste in the ceramic tiles’ composition formula. It is actively participating in the design of new materials able to provide practical demonstration of FISSAC implemented technologies.

FENIX is an engineering and consulting SME located in Brno, Czech Republic. Its main mission is to help industrial and institutional clients implement their innovation projects. The fields of expertise cover the entire range of sustainable technologies and the built environment, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, waste reduction and reuse. FENIX supports organizations that need to communicate the launch of a new product/service or to create, develop or consolidate their business networks for a successful market uptake of their innovations. FENIX has a long experience with European research and innovation projects under the FP7 and H2024 (the circular economy topic e.g. RE4, VEEP, BRIMEE, LEEMA, ECOBINDER, ENDURCRETE, etc.).
In the FISSAC project, FENIX undertakes the role of exploitation and intellectual property rights (IPR) manager, will develop new business models for industrial symbiosis and will ensure replication of the FISSAC model also in the Czech Republic. FENIX expects to exploit the knowledge developed within the project to expand its current knowhow on business planning and exploitation and to implement new working tools for the purpose of enlarging FENIX offering of consulting services related to this field.

The RINA Group is a global corporation which provides engineering and consultancy services, as well as testing, inspection, and certification. RINA Consulting is the engineering consultancy division, result of the integration of a number RINA companies. It offers R&D and consulting projects, providing support in product and process innovation, covering all aspects from metallurgical design of special steels and alloys to the development and optimization of manufacturing processes. Moreover, RINA Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali (RINA-CSM) validates solutions from laboratory scale to pilot plant and full scale, considering the design of special testing equipment whenever needed as well as the optimization of environmental impact of the products and processes. Expertise includes Smart Manufacturing technologies and comprises all sectors with demanding material requirements.
In the FISSAC project, RINA-CSM is involved in EAF and LF slags, that will be used as secondary raw material for the realization of both eco-cement and/or green concrete. Until now, Rina-CSM has performed the chemical, physical, and mechanical analysis of slags. Next, Rina-CSM will work on the carbonation of selected slags in a rotary kiln pilot plant. The experimental campaign will produce a suitable carbonated slags quantity for the preparation of the new construction products to be tested in the case study.
SPECIAL REPORT : Wood Polymer Composites
Wood Polymer Composites (WPC) were first developed in the USA in the early 1990’s as an alternative to timber used in applications where durability, rot and infestation resistance were required.
Currently, WPC is predominantly extruded across the world to manufacture hollow or solid decking boards and is predominately replacing tropical wood, but it is also used for railings, fences, landscaping timbers, cladding and outdoor furniture for parks and recreational areas.
For these applications, a wood-polymer composite material is also considered to be more environmentally friendly, as it requires less maintenance than the alternatives of solid wood treated with preservatives or solid wood of rot-resistant species.
WPCs are manufactured from a mix of finely ground wood particles [Wood Flour] and heated polymer resin. In the case of Ecodek, both wood flour and polymer are recycled. Some WPC therefore, have an almost 100% recycled composition and products made from WPC are capable of being fully recycled at the end of their working lives, and be formed onto the same or different products. Few other materials are able to claim such strong environmental and sustainability credentials.
WPC products have many advantages over comparable timber alternatives. A good quality WPC will not erode and is resistant to rot and attack by wood-boring insects etc. It requires minimal maintenance, does not crack or split, has excellent workability and can be shaped and cut using conventional woodworking tools. WPC can also be readily curved with the application of heat to form strong, arching contours.
FISSAC represents a great opportunity for Ecodek not only towards identification of potential new materials that could help improving product properties, but also with regards to setting quality requirements for incoming recycled materials. At present only one type of recycle polymer is used in our formulations but, as part of the FISSAC project, other recycled polymers will be investigated. This might open opportunities to new products and hence new markets, due to the different properties achieved. Another area that FISSAC is being very beneficial to Ecodek is on the quality assurance on incoming materials. Due to the basics of recycled materials, these are inherently variable and hence quality assurance needs greater attention, in order to ensure products reach our customers at the same high level quality as when prime materials are used. FISSAC is helping on stabilising this quality system too.
ACR+ took part in the Process Industry Conference, the SPIRE mid-term policy event on 19 September 2017 where FISSAC was presented. The main highlights during ACR+’s presentation was the importance of a key element of success of an Industrial Symbiosis project; the interactions between the highly predominant technical aspect of industrial symbiosis and non-technical aspects (including social engagement and acceptance). Indeed, beyond the technical feasibility of the exchanges, social elements also play a crucial role in the development of Industrial Symbiosis networks. Visit the FISSAC website for more information on social aspects and the SPIRE website for all the conference presentations.
Nordic Architecture Fair – Panel discussion on circular economy
On 8 November 2017, Emma Dalväg from Hifab, held a panel discussion on the topic “Circular Economy in the Construction Industry” at Nordic Architecture Fair in Gothenburg. The discussion was facilitated by FISSAC and examined questions such as the barriers, opportunities and driving forces of circular economy in the building sector while each panelist brought their professional view to the table.
The panel discussion included four experts who all contribute to moving towards a circular economy:
- Carina Loh Lindholm, Project Manager at the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL). Together with Vasakronan and Fabege (two Swedish real estate companies), IVL is conducting a project to dismantle and reuse building materials in tenant accommodations. Carina also participates in the FISSAC Swedish Living Lab.
- Lisa Elfström, Deputy Managing Director at Sunda Hus and involved in the EU Horizon 2024 project BAMB. Among other things BAMB has developed materials “passport” as a first prototype to help identify materials digitally based on their characteristics, chemical content, and potential to be recycled. The aim is that in the future it will be possible to document all materials used in a building and follow their components over time.
- Carl Zide, Business Development Manager at Loop Rocks. Loop Rocks is a web-based service for buying and selling filling masses, gravel, soils, and stone materials.
- Annika Gram, The Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute (CBI – now part of RISE), a partner in the FISSAC project.
In the end of the panel discussion, each participant gave their own view upon how the building sector will be working with circular economy 10 years from now. The participants agreed that in the near future recycled materials will be valued much more than today and that actors coming to the market today have great business opportunities.
The Nordic Architecture Fair is the Nordic arena for future architecture and urban planning. During the conference, architects, city planners, environmental strategist, politicians, builders and suppliers met to discuss how the future’s societies will look and work. The conference included a total of 44 seminars, with 84 speakers from all over the Nordic countries.