Construction and demolition wastes in circularity and industrial symbiosis

FISSAC 2nd Hungarian Living Lab Forum

Date: 20 June 2019
Time: 9.00 –12.00

Venue: Szemléletformáló és Újrahasználati Központ, Budapest XV., Károlyi Sándor u. 166., Hungary

  • Why is it important for companies to get prepared for circular economy?
  • What are the current barriers to transition towards circular economy in Hungary?
  • How industrial symbiosis can assist actors and stakeholders?
  • What are the advantages of participating at the FISSAC series of LL events?

Language of the forum is Hungarian.

Download: Forum agenda (in Hungarian)

Further information: 

Professional supporters:

Hungarian Green Building Council

Hungarian Cement Concrete and Lime Association


Geonardo Environmental Technologies Ltd. (FISSAC partner)

Association of Environmental Enterprises

The Circular Point