In the framework of FISSAC Living Labs, ACCIONA and Fundación Agustín de Betancourt organized a Living Lab experience in Madrid that aims to disseminate Circular Economy concept and to address themes related to the FISSAC Industrial Symbiosis model, focused on Circular Economy research and innovation at University and on the deployment of the basic Circular Economy principles at schools and kidergartens.

This first experience, that is part of a series of Living Lab dedicated to Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis educational topic, took place in Madrid, 10 May. Main objectives of the information session on Circular Economy are addressing minimization, re-utilization and recycling focused on the recovery and transformation of waste into new materials and aiming to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG4 – Quality Education, SDG11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG12 – Responsible consumption and productions, SDG13 – Climate Action) to build sustainable and resilient societies.

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