FISSAC hosted its 3rd webinar on 15 October 2019, at 10.30 am, Brussels time.

This webinar was focused on the results of the 4 Pilots and 5 Case Studies, on both the pre-industrial and industrial scales. The webinar also described some examples of installation of the new products, highlighting the practical implementation of FISSAC, beyond the pre-industrial and industrial level. Finally, a section regarding the opportunities of industrial symbiosis for local authorities closed the webinar through the presentation of some practical examples.


Webinar agenda and presentations

Welcoming – Introduction to the webinar – Paolo Marengo and Serena Lisai (ACR+)

Introduction to the Demonstrations – Blanca Juez Sanchez and Daniel Hiniesto Muñoz de la Torre (ACCIONA)


Debate and conclusions – Paolo Marengo and Serena Lisai (ACR+)


Follow this link to watch the recording of the webinar.


Webinar picture