Concrete pavement

Location: Adana, Turkey.

Partners involved: Türkiye Çimento Müstahsilleri Birliği (TÇMB)

General description: On the Case Study 1, TÇMB completed the circular process of giving a new life to waste materials, developing a concrete pavement by the blended cement produced during the Pilot 1. The process followed a series of phases which transformed a waste in a resource, complying with FISSAC philosophy.

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First of all, two layers of wire mesh steel were placed above the base layer.

In the meanwhile, ready mix concrete was produced at a nearby plant using mix-22 blended cement and aggregates. The concrete mix was transported to the construction area.

The concrete has been pumped into the construction area.

The surface was smoothened by a surface vibrator screed respectively. Finally, it was finished by a walk-behind power trowel. It was broom-textured to increase skid resistance.

The concrete road has been tested using heavy vehicles.