Living Lab Hungary

On the 20th of June, 2019 the second Living Lab event took place in Budapest as part of the FISSAC project.

Around thirty industry professionals attended the event, organized by Geonardo Kft. and the Association of Environmental Enterprises, with the professional support of the Hungarian Green Building Council and Hungarian Cement, Concrete and Lime Industry Association.

During the half-day forum the audience heard presentations on industrial symbiosis projects as well as on the current situation and challenges of the recycling of the construction and demolition waste in Hungary. During the second half of the programme the participants could share their experiences on these issues, with particular emphasis on the factors that currently hinder or make it more difficult to move towards a circular construction industry. Finally, the forum put forward suggestions for the main topics and on the invitees of the next Living Lab scheduled for this autumn.

Construction and demolition wastes in circularity and industrial symbiosis

FISSAC 2nd Hungarian Living Lab Forum

Date: 20 June 2019
Time: 9.00 –12.00

Venue: Szemléletformáló és Újrahasználati Központ, Budapest XV., Károlyi Sándor u. 166., Hungary

  • Why is it important for companies to get prepared for circular economy?
  • What are the current barriers to transition towards circular economy in Hungary?
  • How industrial symbiosis can assist actors and stakeholders?
  • What are the advantages of participating at the FISSAC series of LL events? (more…)

To create synergies between the FISSAC H2024 and the TRIS Interreg Europe projects, Geonardo Ltd. and the Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. jointly launched a forum series to improve achieving the efficiency of resource efficiency in the domestic construction industry. The first symposium was held on 13 April 2018 in the frame of the CONSTRUMA International Exhibition and Fair that is the largest annual event for the sector in Hungary. (more…)

Resource efficiency in the domestic construction industry

Best practices in circular economy and eco-innovation

Date: 13 April 2018 (Friday) 9.30 –13.45

Venue: HUNGEXPO Pavilion ‘A’, Gallery 2 (1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10., Hungary) (more…)